After you have acquired your commercial property, managing your finances becomes one of the most critical aspects of property ownership. Even if you only have a five suite building, you are still the owner of a business and you must run your finances accordingly. Remember keeping good, organized books isn’t just to keep you out […]
When you are deciding if it is necessary to use an attorney during your real estate transaction there are a few things you need to consider. First, look at the complexity of the transaction. If you are issuing a standard Letter of Intent (LOI) it is unnecessary to incur the costs to engage an attorney. […]
We left off in the last entry talking about different types of property conditions that lend themselves to the “Forcing Appreciation” strategy. Under maintained Properties that have been poorly maintained offer us a tremendous opportunity in the current economic climate. In this scenario we try to focus on strong locations and properties that will need […]
We left off in the last entry talking about different types of property conditions that lend themselves to the “Forcing Appreciation” strategy. Under Valued Undervalued property is typically made up of properties that have fallen out of investor favor. These types of properties tend to fall into this category on a cyclical basis due to […]